Sónia Gonçalves Pereira participated in Portuguese Science Summit 2024, the largest annual Science and Innovation event in Portugal, held in Porto, 3-5 July, under the theme “+Science for One Health and global well-being”, to present three e-posters derived from CeliAct(TIV) project, one regarding the project layout and preliminary results on the biochemical characterization of bacterial-digested fragments of gliadin, another focused on the nutritional behaviour of Celiac Disease patients and the petition to the Portuguese Government advocating for more support to Celiac Disease diet, and the last one, following a 2-months visiting internship of Katie Phair, a PhD student from Ireland, focused on the still fairly unknown subject of antimicrobial resistance and Celiac Disease. All e-posters can be consulted at https://www.encontrociencia.pt/e-posters/.